Dementia Caregivers Support

The needs of family members who face the intense stress of caring for relatives with dementia are all too often overlooked. We Remember You is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing holistic, all-encompassing support to family caregivers of persons living with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia in Rutherford County, Tennessee.

Support Group Information:  support groups offer family caregivers valuable opportunities to support and learn from one another, as well as from an experienced, certified dementia-care nurse.


Consultation Information: There are some caregivers who are unable to leave their homes, for a variety of reasons, to seek education and support. Sometimes a caregiver may have a problem that is just too private to be shared within the safety of a support group


Education Information: We offer educational presentations to lay community, professional groups, civic organizations, and others on any topic of care giving, senior health issues, and Alzheimer’s/dementia diseases.


Board of Directors

Robbie Hooper, President of the Board

Emily Jackson, Treasurer of the Board

Emily Frye, Secretary of the Board

Eva Mae Spielman, Advisor

Emily Zietz, Member at Large

Pam Roberts, Member at Large

Jim Trasport, Advisor

We Remember You depends on gifts to offer services to family caregivers of people with dementia and community education.

Make a Donation Today!

About Us

The Story of We Remember You

By Lee Ann Hyatt, RN, BSN,

Having worked in the field of end-of-life and dementia care for many years, I became uncomfortably aware of the difficulties faced by family caregivers of people with diseases that cause dementia. This awareness was backed by very negative statistics on how the stress of caregiving affects the physical and mental health, finances, and general quality of life for caregivers. The good news is that research also shows that education on various clinical aspects of the diseases, managing challenging behaviors, caregiving skills, and stress techniques help to decrease stress experienced by caregivers and, thus, limit the destructive effects. Support for the family caregivers who care for their loved ones at home, in a facility, or in another location is essential for wellbeing!

Now back in Middle Tennessee, where I grew up, I decided to find out where these caregivers could find services in Rutherford County. I discovered that this kind of organization did not exist, so I incorporated We Remember You, Inc. with the state of Tennessee in July 2021. As of September 2021, “We” truly became a “We” as I was joined by a very caring and creative Board of Directors. We received 501(c)(3) status from the IRS early in 2022 which makes us a tax-exempt organization. It is very exciting to think that we can now present ourselves to the Rutherford County community and begin to grow our influence. At this writing we are supporting ~ seven support groups. Private in-office and home visits are also available. READ MORE ABOUT US »

Our Founder

Lee Ann Hyatt, RN, BSN, is the Founder, Executive Director, and President of the Board of Directors of We Remember You. Having worked in end-of-life and dementia care for many years, Lee Ann came to understand how profoundly the stresses of caregiving can affect the health and well-being those who care for family members living with dementia. Research showed her that education and support for family caregivers can make all the difference in their quality of life. Read more »

Find Us

The office of We Remember You is housed at FUMC in Room 214
265 W Thompson Ln, Murfreesboro, TN 3712

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